Sunday, 7 November 2010

30 for 30

It's been a little while since I've done a challenge (apart from the New Authors Challenge, which I'm still doing), and when I saw this one, I couldn't resist. The difference is that it isn't a reading or writing challenge!

30 for 30

The rules are: choose 30 items of clothing from your wardrobe (including shoes; not including underwear, jewellery and accessories), and remix those items into 30 different outfits over the following 30 days. No shopping allowed; no other items allowed.

It's an unwritten expectation that you also photograph yourself in each of these outfits and post them on the blog, and to be honest it's this that's the sticking point for me. I'm not too much of a photo person, I barely ever wear makeup, and I never do anything with my hair. Most of the other people who have signed up for this have style/clothes blogs; most of them are, I assume, stylish people. I... am not. I love clothes, but I'm unimaginative with the way I dress, and I want to change that.

I've expanded the rules a bit for myself. I'm counting scarfs, tights and belts as accessories; I'm counting socks and singlets as underwear. I'm also not including gym clothes in the count, because I have no particular desire to jazz up the shorts and old tees I wear to the gym.

But I've chosen my 30 items — and wow, are my clothes unremixable!

Three skirts
Three skirts
Two pairs of trousers, a pair of leggings, and jeans
Two pairs of trousers, a pair of leggings, and jeans
Two jackets, a dress and a tunic
Two jackets, a dress and a tunic
Heels for work, three pairs of sandals and two boots
Shoeses! (Also bootses)
Three shirts for work
Three shirts for work
Four knitwear tops
Four knitwear tops
Black and white: reliable fallbacks
Black and white: reliable fallbacks
A bit of colour for the wardrobe
A bit of colour


archives vintage said...

hello fellow 30 for 30 remixer! good luck, i look forward to following your mixes! :)

Ms. Loaf said...

Ohhh I love your items! They look great. I am excited to follow along as you remix them!

Determinist said...

I got to this late.

You have nothing to worry about - the photos that followed looked great.

I was wondering why suddenly you had photo after photo of you dressed up, so I followed trail back here after missing out on blogs for almost a month.

Good luck on the challenge - sounds like fun.